Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I am creating 31 short works in as many days

This is just a place to store a writing challenge I am giving myself to create 31 short works in 31 days. The first of them is the simple poem below, with obviously 30 more to follow. The entire point is to create even when I am not inspired to see what I come up with. Please join me on this journey. kill all.

...And I prayed. 

Anger and moods would scare most dudes
The strongest devotees ready to run
In the crude my oil mixes with water 
And destroys everything under the sun

One first time left myself out on the line
And looked solid but were you quite mine

The drywall separates 
and you see me walk
Comment on my gate
Am I in the right place 
Comment and mock

Laugh lines are sands of time I don't possess
Truer than trust in the hands of people
I caress the hope you hold for me though
And stay angry in my steel toed boots
I never cared for medals. I care for you 

A decorated young man for an age of sad
told that all the things you're good at are bad

Pour out of the cracks 
You can never look back
Comment on my gait 
Am I in the wrong place
Comments come late 

We pray.

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